Associations like ours exist solely because of the active participation of members. We also wholeheartedly seek more and more members, so that we can build up a truly strong Association which acts as a proactive representative of the large Bengali and Bangla loving population in Bangalore. A strong Association also helps us to achieve our social and cultural objectives and make a real difference to society.
If you wish to become our member please download the Membership Form and send us to the address mentioned below. You can also fill out the form given below, and we will contact you regarding your membership.
Click here
to download membership application form.
Tagore Cultural Centre, 1/A, Assaye Road, Shivan Chetty Garden Post,
Bangalore - 560042. Phone: +91 080 25366087, 65351827.
Manager: J Mukherji: +919480640014 E-mail:
Renewal: Please note the membership term always ends in December. Members are requested to pay their membership fee in or before December (@Rs 60 per month till December of the next year or year after) for membership renewal. They should inform the Association office in writing (letter or mail) change of address and telephone numbers to update our records. You are also requested to send your E-mail ID for a faster communication.
Photo Identity Card: Members who have not yet send their two photos (stamp size) while submitting the application for membership are requested to furnish the same to our office to prepare photo Identity Cards.
Membership fee: At the time of new membership one has to pay Rs 100 towards library fee, Rs 100 towards admission fee and @Rs 60 per month for the number of months ending on the month of December of a year. Contact us for membership.
For new members: The member ship fee for new members: Rs 100 for library + Rs 100 as entry fee (these two are onetime payments). In addition, a member will have to pay @Rs 60 per month for number of months ending in December. (For example, if a person is taking new membership in the month of January he will have to pay Rs 100+Rs 100+ Rs 720 (60 X 12) = Rs 920. One can pay membership fee for 2 or 3 years in advance. Payments should be by cash or by A/C payee cheques in favour of The Bengalee Association, Bangalore.
New members will have to attach two passport size pictures and photo copy of a proof of address with their application form.
For existing members:To renew membership, existing members will pay @ Rs 60 per month for the number of months ending in December. One can pay membership fee for 2 or 3 years in advance. For renewal members are requested to pay cash or handover/ post A/C payee cheques in favour of The Bengalee Association, Bangalore, with their name and membership number written at the back of the cheque. To enquire about membership due please contact our manager Sri Jyotirmoy Mukherji: 9480640014 or mail to:
In case of change of address, e-mail ID, mobile number and landline number, members are requested to inform our office immediately by E-mail:
Our Location